The Woes of Judgment

Jan 12, 2025    Pastor Jeff Long

The book of Revelation unveils the full deity and sovereignty of our Lord God almighty in vivid detail. A right understanding of this apocalypse, prophecy and pastoral letter had the power in the first century to encourage and undergird the young church to persevere through intense persecution while simultaneously enlivening complacent and apathetic believers to join in the mission. Revelation still possesses the same authority and strength today. The Lord is on the throne and in full control even when it seems evil is winning. The book of Revelation emphatically reassures us believers that things are not as they appear. Please join us and be encourage through this study of the Revelation of Jesus Christ.




This week, Pastor Jeff continues a series in the book of Revelation. The next message in the series comes from Revelation 9 and is entitled "The Woes of Judgment." The main idea of the sermon is: The blowing of the fifth and sixth trumpets bring the woes of judgment on sinful, rebellious humanity who refuse to turn from their idols and repent of their sin.




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